An Angry Prayer
atLots of us find it difficult to identify completely with any particular religion, even if we respect and love the religious practices of our friends and neighbours. There are few prayers outside the usual stuff that address everyday emotions. With this in mind I’m creating a website of prayers, in the language of the moment without reference to any particular religion. It will be called ‘Prayers for Everyone’ and I hope to have it up and running in a month or two. Here is a prayer about anger. I shall publish several of my angry prayers over the coming days. If they resonate with you, let me know… and let me know if you believe that we need prayers to help with anger… despair… environmental decline… earthquakes… war and all the concerns of the moment.
So Much to be Angry About
I pray
That I can look
At the wickedness
The cruelty
The greed
And the self-serving…
And not feel rage, pure rage
I pray
That I will come to know
That wickedness
Will give way to good.
That cruelty
Will be overwhelmed by compassion.
That the greedy
Will be satiated, shamed
and step back.
May those self-serving beings
Whose faces I see every evening
Framed in boxes of all sizes
Be put in their place…
And when all this happens…
When change comes
As it must do
I will no longer be angry
But give thanks
That my prayers
Came to be answered.
But right now
Embracing inevitable change
Let me experience
Calm… peace and understanding.