Sometimes meditation brings total connection with all things
Just as peace comes to mind So love resides in the heart. Just as calm meets the soul So time diminishes.
Then grace fills the being And the heart opens Like a flower.
These are the moments Of meeting with everything Touching every sound Hearing all colours Drinking the music of forests Hearing the song of the ocean, The chattering of birds and beasts An instant of love, Connection, Harmony, And Joy.
To believe or not to believe… That’s the real question. Here’s ‘A Prayer in Honour of Eternity’. It is also to be found on my websites – Prayers for Everyone and Funeral Readings
Some say: ‘This is the end’ And think ‘I am coming to the end’ But there is no end
For eternity Is in the soul… It is in the mind The bones The body The heart
Others say ‘I know about the end’ They imagine They understand Nothing
I only know That any belief in the end Is an idea A passing thought Without beginning Or end
For eternity Is in the soul… It is in the mind The spirit Music Laughter
And because I see and feel And hear and taste And sometimes remember And sometimes do not remember I welcome mystery
For I am eternal And I know eternity I have met eternity I am without end